02.22.25 Wild Wonders - Group Exhibition
ABV Gallery: Atlanta, GA
03.14.25 Babe Walls Womxn's History Month - Group Exhibition
Truss House: Denver, CO
03.14.25 Psychedelicatessen - Group Exhibition
Gallery Ergo: Seattle, WA
04.11.25 SKATE - Group Exhibition
111 Minna Gallery: San Francisco, CA
11.21.24 A Better View - Group Exhibition
ABV Gallery: Atlanta, GA
11.15.24 DesignerCon
Convention Center: Las Vegas, NV
10.08.24 Meow Brow - Group Exhibition
Gallery Ergo: Seattle, WA
10.04.24 Street - Group Exhibition
Lilienthal Gallery: Knoxville, TN
10.01.24 Ampersand - Group Exhibition
Known Gallery: Los Angeles, CA
03.09.24 Refresh - Group Exhibition
ABV Gallery: Atlanta, GA
02.15.24 Nerdstalgia
Thinkspace Gallery: Los Angeles, CA
12.15.23 Hollywood 100
DesignerCon: Anaheim, CA
11.17.23 Umbrella Art Fair
Union Market: Washington, DC
11.11.23 Small Works Group Exhibition
WHINO: Arlington, VA
11.10.23 Meow Brow - Group Exhibition by Casey Weldon
Gallery Ergo: Seattle, WA
11.03.23 Postcard Show
Gallery Nucleus: Portland, OR
10.21.23 Through the Veil - Group Exhibition
ABV Gallery: Atlanta, GA
09.08.23 Wow2 - Square Works Exhibition
Wow x Wow Online Art Gallery, UK
07.22.23 A Better View: Group Exhibition
ABV Gallery: Atlanta, GA
07.14.23 Cyanoscope - Group Exhibition
Gallery Ergo: Seattle, WA
07.07.23 Monochromagic - Group Exhibition
Wow x Wow Online Art Gallery, UK
06.11.23 Gallery Nucleus - Annual Coaster Show
Gallery Nucleus: Portland, OR
05.06.23 Suenos 2
Munzon Gallery: Long Beach, CA
01.21.23 One By One - Group Exhibition
ABV Gallery: Atlanta, GA
01.06.23 Ethereal Orchard - Group Exhibition
WOWxWOW Online Art Gallery
11.18.22 DesignerCon
Anaheim Convention Center: Anaheim, CA
10.15.22 ARTIFACT: Solo Exhibition at ABV Gallery
ABV Gallery: Atlanta, GA
09.05.22 RiNo Mural Festival - Mural Artist
River North Art District: Denver, CO
08.14.22 Secret Walls SYLA Tour Battle
Glass House: Pomona, CA
07.30.22 Vision X Live: Keynote Speaker
Virtual Event
07.13.22 Everything But the Kitchen Sink
La Luz de Jesus Gallery: Los Angeles, CA
06.11.22 A Better View: Group Exhibition
ABV Gallery: Atlanta, GA
05.27.22 LA Local, A Group Exhibition
Mirus Gallery: Los Angeles, CA
05.18.22 Coaster Show
Gallery Nucleus Portland : Portland, OR
04.30.22 All Caps Creator's Conference: Speaker
Midvale Community Center : Midvale, UT
03.19.22 Demo Day at Trekell
Trekell Art Supplies: Hesperia, CA
02.19.22 Intergalactic - Group Exhibition
Ewkuks Gallery: Los Angeles, CA
02.06.22 One By One - Group Exhibition
ABV Gallery: Atlanta, GA
11.12.21 DesignerCon
Anaheim Convention Center: Anaheim, CA
10.02.21 Legends of Horror
Ewkuks Gallery: Los Angeles, CA
09.11.21 Cult of Meow
Gristle Gallery: New York, NY
09.03.21 Coaster Show
Gallery 30 South: Pasadena, CA
08.20.21 Microdose 3
Nucleus Portland: Portland, OR
08.14.21 The Art of Art
Modern Eden Gallery: San Francisco, CA
08.07.21 A Better View - Group Show
ABV Gallery: Atlanta, GA
06.13.21 Salut! - Coaster Show
Nucleus Portland: Portland, OR
02.13.21 Saturday Morning Cereal
Gristle Gallery: New York, NY
02.06.21 LOVE Group Show
Ewkuks Gallery: Los Angeles, CA
10.05.20 Coaster Show
Gallery 30 South: Los Angeles, CA
05.01.20 No Pants Required
Gabba Gallery: Los Angeles, CA
03.07.20 Everything But the Kitschen Sync
La Luz de Jesus Gallery: Los Angeles, CA
01.31.20 Grand Opening Group Show
Reduced Lunch Gallery: Los Angeles, CA